Saturday 12 April 2014

When I started out,I found myself redirecting people just for fun purposes.
Today it has become more of a social responsibility for me.
As this BLOG is dedicated to everyone that would look for stuffs online about LAGOS and wouldn't find it.
The selling proposition has always been the ability to research and get deep information that even contacts in LAGOS did not have.
(Ranging from Pictures to Videos and a whole lot of other valuable Historic Antiques/Materials) to show our RICH HISTORY and CULTURE.
Noticing LAGOS didn't have an instantly recognizable online site for research information in total,especially for Nigerians in diaspora or other Citizens of the world that wanted to know more about LAGOS.
Cause I didn't see the CNN adverts saying;
"Come see our commercial nerve center,come see our happy people,the hustle and bustle or come see our landscape doing it for us"
So I resulted into grabbing the bull by the horn,so as to show it to the rest of the world...
As I unveil to you important historic aspects of LAGOS,I would always be proud to say;
"i am a history of people, i am a legacy, i am Timi Lagos..."